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 1. Factor 5  Rebel Strike Title Theme  Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike 
 2. Dana Glover & Nenad Vugrinec  Strike Commander - Takeoff theme no. 2   
 3. Zelda Reorchestrated  Title Theme  Spirit Tracks  
 4. Alex Lifeson  Man Title Theme  Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda - Original Soundtrack From The Television Series 
 5. ZREO Team  Title Theme  Ocarina of Time 
 6. Zelda Reorchestrated  Title Theme  Oracle of Ages/Seasons  
 7. Zelda Reorchestrated  Title Theme  Spirit Tracks  
 8. ZREO Team  Title Theme  Oracle of Ages 
 9. ZREO Team  Title Theme  Twilight Princess 
 10. ZREO Team  Title Theme  The Legend of Zelda 
 11. Sebastian Wolff  Title Theme  Ozzie's Quest OST 
 12. Ojalin & BunBun  Mega Man 4 - Title Theme   
 13. Ojalin & BunBun  Mega Man 4 - Title Theme   
 14. Harumi  Willow - Title Theme   
 15. Mark Thomas  Main Title Theme  Tales of the Riverbank 
 16. ZREO Team  Title Theme Redux v2  Ocarina of Time 
 17. DMA  Uniracers - Title Theme   
 18. DMA  Uniracers - Title Theme   
 19. Resident Evil  Main Title Theme  Vigi Collection  
 20. ChIp 11  Karate Kid-Title Theme  Nes 
 21. Resident Evil  Main Title Theme  Vigi Collection  
 22. Travis Edward Pike  Morningstone Title Theme  title 
 23. Travis Edward Pike  Morningstone Title Theme  title 
 24. ZREO Team  Title Theme Redux  Ocarina of Time 
 25. Hiroyuki Masuno  Drakkhen - Title Theme   
 26. Harumi  Willow - Title Theme   
 27. Resident Evil  Main Title Theme  Vigi Collection  
 28. Bunbun  Mega Man 3 - Title Theme   
 29. Rob Hubbard  One Man And His Droid Title Theme  Input 64 
 30. Barry Gray  Doppelganger Title Theme  unreleased 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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